

Rooms define behaviour.

We define rooms.



CLOSED Women / Men Amsterdam

creative direction: Studio Lansky.

CLOSED Women / Men Munich

creative direction: Studio Lansky.

CLOSED Women / Men Keitum

creative direction: Studio Lansky.

CLOSED Women / Men Los Angeles

creative direction: Studio Lansky.

CLOSED Women / Men Frankfurt

In cooperation with Studio Lansky.

CLOSED Men Eppendorfer Baum Hamburg

In cooperation with Studio Lansky.

CLOSED Women / Men Zurich

CLOSED Women Frankfurt

CLOSED Men Antwerp

CLOSED Women Antwerp

CLOSED Women Poststrasse Hamburg

CLOSED Women / Men Regensburg

CLOSED Women / Men Mannheim

CLOSED Men Timmendorf

All CLOSED projects are developed by A und O Architects in cooperation with Ewa Skorupska, CLOSED Interior Designer.

Interior Design

SALT communications Hamburg

Development and realization of working spaces for SALT communications, Hamburg Harbour City. Reception area, open office space, dividing elements for flexible working areas, social area. Design of custom-made furniture with brass surfaces for conference tables and working tables.

Elbkind Reply Hamburg

Partial refurbishment of an office building and development of a new room concept and interior design for Elbkind Reply, digital communications agency.

FCB advertising agency



Die Qualität des Raumes durch Reduktion sichtbar machen. Viele Elemente aus dem Bestand wurden wieder freigelegt und restauriert und bilden so einen spannenden Kontrast zu den neuen Um- und Einbauten.
Die Qualität des Raumes durch Reduktion sichtbar machen. Viele Elemente aus dem Bestand wurden wieder freigelegt und restauriert und bilden so einen spannenden Kontrast zu den neuen Um- und Einbauten.
Jeder Nutzungsbereich innerhalb des Gebäudes ist entsprechend der Anforderungen anders gestaltet und fügt sich dennoch in das Gesamtbild ein.
Jeder Nutzungsbereich innerhalb des Gebäudes ist entsprechend der Anforderungen anders gestaltet und fügt sich dennoch in das Gesamtbild ein.

Headquarters for B.E.S.T. bodylines

The rooms of an old theater in Frankfurt Main were transformed for a fashion house by A und O. These new headquarters included office space, a showroom, workshops and social rooms.

Installation im Wartebereich Kinder
Installation im Wartebereich Kinder
Behandlungszimmer Kinder
Behandlungszimmer Kinder

Dental Surgery

A und O tailored this 400sqm dental practice to the needs of both adults and children. The various requirements for use were considered and combined, before creating an ensemble space that was based on clarity and defined through complex functions.

Die Tresenanlage als Bugspitze des Mittelblocks mit den Konferenzräumen. Hier kommt auch schon mal ein viereinhalb Meter langes Furnierstück zum Einsatz.
Die Tresenanlage als Bugspitze des Mittelblocks mit den Konferenzräumen. Hier kommt auch schon mal ein viereinhalb Meter langes Furnierstück zum Einsatz.
Fosbury Flop’ als Schablonengrafik auf Seekieferplatten
Fosbury Flop’ als Schablonengrafik auf Seekieferplatten
Fosbury Flop’ als Schablonengrafik auf Seekieferplatten
Fosbury Flop’ als Schablonengrafik auf Seekieferplatten

TBWA : The method defines the theme

The backslash in the logo reflects the company’s belief in disruptive advertising. The Fosbury Flop motif, which is projected at an angle onto the ceiling, acts as a permanent reminder to the team to never settle for conventions.

Neuer Ausblick nach über 70 Jahren
Neuer Ausblick nach über 70 Jahren
Hochsitz mit Stadtaussicht  
Hochsitz mit Stadtaussicht  

Bunker Rooms

From storerooms to studios. 1.10m thick, reinforced concrete walls were broken through, and modern facades were added, to create a spacious working environment that meets high-energy saving requirements. A brand new vision, born from a 70-year-old bunker.

Boardroom for a large software provider

A video conferencing system on a par with the highest demands of the boardroom area. The space is freed-up from media technology installations with boutique, built- in, table front screens. A joint project with Intermediate Engineering Hamburg.

Trade Fair Concepts

Ein aufgeräumtes Umfeld für wirkungsvolle Präsentationen
Ein aufgeräumtes Umfeld für wirkungsvolle Präsentationen
Überraschung und Aufmerksamkeit sind sicher.
Überraschung und Aufmerksamkeit sind sicher.
Ein aufgeräumtes Umfeld für wirkungsvolle Präsentationen
Ein aufgeräumtes Umfeld für wirkungsvolle Präsentationen
Durch die Spiegelung werden in den Sehschlitzen die Zitate lesbar.
Durch die Spiegelung werden in den Sehschlitzen die Zitate lesbar.

Hummel Kitchens

How do you showcase over 100 styles of kitchen, to avid cooking enthusiasts, in the smallest possible space? And how can you tickle the senses without overloading the exhibit with decoration? One-way is to install an upside down Oyster dinner on the ceiling of the booth and reflect it in the highly polished steel surface of the central kitchen area.

Das weltweite Händlernetz mit Händlerforum
Die übersichtliche Zuordnungen der Produktmarken der Dienstleistung und der Exponate
Die übersichtliche Zuordnungen der Produktmarken der Dienstleistung und der Exponate


A complex brand strategy reduced to the essentials. Through a minimal room concept, the two brands cat and MAK were successfully showcased under the umbrella brand of Caterpillar. This confident approach breathed new life into the brands reputation as a global player in the services and refit sectors.

Die neueste Herrenkollektion wurde wie ein Schatz in einem Tresorraum präsentiert. Zutritt nur für ausgewählte Kunden!
Sicherheitsstufe 2
Protected Area’ Temporäre Rauminszenierung für CLOSED

CLOSED at Pitti Uomo in Florence

For the previous season visitors experienced the CLOSED archive ("SECURE ARCHIVE"). For the following season we introduced the next level of security – the closed vault ("PROTECTED AREA").

Ein Projektionsband innerhalb des Baudocks zeigt auf die spezifischen Leistungen der Marken und den gemeinsamen Horizont des Werftenverbundes

ThyssenKrupp Shipyards. Blohm + Voss / North Sea Works

A "dry dock" as a fully functioning showroom for exhibits and media presentations, with the addition of a luxury lounge. This unique space brought to life a three-pronged strategy under the umbrella of ThyssenKrupp shipyards.

Testaufbau und europaweite Ausschreibung für die Medientechnik.
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Event-Agentur Kontrapunkt Hamburg: Logo!

German Pavilion for the initiative of renewable energy and energy efficiency

This development and design concept for the German Pavilion included our first, round interactive information module. This was combined with coordinated themes and artwork, which were projected onto a floating 360°cylinder. A particular challenge of the project was the installation of the system worldwide.

Future Lab’ Einsatz auf mehreren Veranstaltungen
Durchgang zur Vermittlung komplexer Zukunftsthemen
Visualisierungskonzept für zukünftige Netzarchitekturen im Maschinenbau

‘Future made’ by Weidmüller

A sleek, self-contained presentation space that functions as a future lab, and knowledge hub. Designed to help decode the complex relationships of industrial information technology, with a specific focus on Isotropic networks.

Der Empfangsbereich fasst beide Standflächen zusammen
Der Empfangsbereich fasst beide Standflächen zusammen
Maschinenausstellung und Loungebereich
Maschinenausstellung und Loungebereich

Körber PaperLink at DRUPA

Körber PaperLinks first appearance at DRUPA in Dusseldorf was as an umbrella brand. The stand was designed to represent companies from both Germany and Italy. Eight Brands, presented through three systems, as a unified group. Visitors were greeted by a central reception, and then guided to their specific area of interest.

Exhibition Design

Reflexion über die europäische Weltsicht der Völker. Der Pfad als Projektionsstandpunkt und Weg zur Erkenntnis.
Reflexion über die europäische Weltsicht der Völker. Der Pfad als Projektionsstandpunkt und Weg zur Erkenntnis.

Humboldt Forum Berlin: Towards the realization

A retrospective celebration of the brothers Humboldt, which explores their influence on the contemporary world. Visitors are guided through each topic of the exhibit along a sequential path of knowledge.

Kriege und Wiederaufbau
Kriege und Wiederaufbau
Arbeitsmittel und Arbeitswelten
Arbeitsmittel und Arbeitswelten

From Ships: The art of always re-inventing oneself

An exhibition that explores Blohm + Voss ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, and covers eight periods of innovation between 1877 and 2012. The exhibition comprises a new look at the swarm of yard numbers and includes a timeline of build numbers since the founding of the shipyard in 1876. Detailed model ships help pick out key events in an illuminated display.

Event Architecture

Einfahrt des Schiffbugs in der Schiffbauhalle
Einfahrt des Schiffbugs in der Schiffbauhalle
Die Schiffbauhalle als Festsaal mit Megaleuchtern von der Ausbildungswerkstatt
Die Schiffbauhalle als Festsaal mit Megaleuchtern von der Ausbildungswerkstatt

125 years Blohm + Voss

A mega theater in the B&V shipbuilding hall was cleared and transformed into a ballroom for this event, which celebrated the production process.  For the highlight of the gala a segment of a ship’s bow was driven into the audience.

Design and Production of brand spaces

We translate the values and attitude of a brand into the language of a room. As architects we can develop a unique platform for the exchange of products and customer needs.


Trade Fair Concepts

Raising your company’s profile is our top priority.

We understand that your appearance at trade fairs is a continuous reflection of your company, its communication objectives and values.

We therefore aim for exceptional results that truly capture the enthusiasm and relevance of each project.

Our goal is to create a coherent overall picture that strengthens the identity of your company, and increases consumer confidence in your business. This applies not only to visitors but also, and more crucially, to employees themselves.

Interior Design

Architecture and design are becoming more consciously used as a means of communicating the persona and attitude of a company. We only come into contact, in a physical way, with a company’s values via their place of work.

Ultimately, it is the experiences that we have from these places of work that help us to interpret a company’s culture in our minds.

Our aim is to understand a company’s culture, then translate and describe it in a physical space.

Often it is the simple and unexpected touches that suddenly change our perception of a company, which leads us to form more positive discussions with them.

Exhibition Design

Only when an exhibition has a successful narrative form can an exhibition be deemed a success.

In collaboration with curators, academic staff and artists we develop a theme. From there we design an overall concept that comprises scenic and narrative spaces.

We are convinced that an exhibit only comes to life, and becomes a true experience, through close collaboration of various disciplines, shared knowledge and a shared understanding.

The development of exhibition spaces, interactive installations, special display cases and lighting concepts are included in our craft.

Event Architecture

Events that remain unforgettable often come from the context of a space that makes a specific staging possible.

To find such premises and develop their potential thematically, and according to the occasion, is our strength.

For this we analyze the possibilities and the peculiarities of the space and create temporary spaces that remain alive in the memory far beyond the event.

We see ourselves as a consultant and designer in close cooperation with the customer, the event agency or the drama director and explore what is possible from a common perspective.

A und O  Architects - Room for brands

A und O Architects was founded in Hamburg in 1991.
From the very beginning the focus, in addition to classical architectural work, has been the conception and design of trade fair and exhibition projects.
Through a growing knowledge in the conceptual development of national and international trade fairs, for small and medium-sized enterprises, they have continuously developed their consulting and project management services.
From 1991 a vast number of stands have been implemented worldwide for the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs. Through this experience A und O have built up a competent and experienced international network.
At the end of 2002 Kai Müller Liebenau and Tim Schulz, decided to combine their knowledge and experience. Since then A und O Architects has operated as a partner company with four permanent staff.
Since 2004 the team have consulted on and development numerous small and medium-sized enterprises for trade fairs and exhibitions.


Kai Müller-Liebenau

Kai has been active as an exhibition and trade fair designer since 1984. In 1989 he led the "Preuss Far East" offices in Singapore. In 1991 he founded the A und O Architects in Hamburg.

Tim Schulz

Tim worked as a senior product designer at the Suxdorf Studios, Hamburg until 1995. Following this he worked independently in the field of interior architecture and exhibition design. During this time Tim began cooperating with A und O Architects.


A und O Architekten
Löwenstraße 29a
20251 Hamburg
Phone: +49.40.406464
Fax: +49.40.4904845

Tim Schulz, Architekt (HAK)
UST-ID-Nr.: DE 359277690

Google Maps




Corporate Design

ON Grafik. Tom Wibberenz


Convoy Interactive

Photo Credits

Alexandra Kern
Bunkerprojekt, TBWA:
Klaus Frahm
Kai Müller-Liebenau
Michael Päpke
Markus Abele
A und O Architekten

Project Team „125 Jahre B+V“

Abendprogramm: G. Möbius, Madeleine Lang, Prof. Thomas Hettwer 

Abendregie: Michael Batz

Veranstaltungskonzept, Veranstaltungsarchitektur, Lichtinszenierung:

Michael Batz und Kai Müller-Liebenau

Project Team Humboldtforum

A und O Architekten, Hamburg: 

Kai Müller-Liebenau

Michael J. Koch

Mayasari F. Zoesmar

Designbüro Michael Päpke, Kiel:

Michael Päpke

Dr. Annegret Erb

Project Team

Zusammenarbeit mit

Kirk R. Williams: Recherche, Text, Bildredaktion

Sven Williams: Grafikdesign

Klaus Frahm: Fotografie


FCB Hamburg, Olympus, Sharp, Blohm+Voss, ThyssenKrupp Werften, Mankiewicz, SAACKE, Zodiac Aerospace, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Waldemar Link, Körber Paper Link, Caterpillar, Hummel Küchen, Weidmüller, E.C.H Will, ZVEI, TBWA, CLOSED, Hauni, 81hours/dear cashmere, Urologikum Lübeck, Zahnärztliche Praxis P. Busch, Simonsen by Simonsen, BRAUN Hamburg

Legal Notice
Information provided according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):

A und O Architekten
Löwenstraße 29a
20251 Hamburg

Represented by:

Tim Schulz


Telephone: +49.40.406464
Telefax: +49.40.4904845


VAT Id number according to Sec. 27 a German Value Added Tax Act:
DE 359277690

Job title and professional regulations

Job title: Architekten
Responsible board: Hamburgische Architektenkammer
Authorisation granted by: Deutschland
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A und O Architekten
Löwenstraße 29a
20251 Hamburg

Telephone: +49.40.406464

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